Monday, June 8, 2009


From journal entry on 5/27 :

" There will be a day with no more TEARS, no more PAIN, and no more FEARS. There will be a day when the BURDENS of this place will be no more will see JESUS' face to face.....and until that day we hold on to you ALWAYS"
I have fallen head over heals for Jeremy Camp's music and how it is so relevant to our lives as Christians living a life full of HOPE. Check out the you tube video and Jeremy Camp's story...
I can't get this song out of my head and the words that cut deep, but scream truth too. What does the word HOPE mean, according to scripture:
Isaiah 40:31 "
but those who HOPE in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." (beautiful picture of HOPE)
Back to the song that I can't get out of my head...after leaving bible study one night I was walking to my car humming the song "There will be a day", as soon as I turned the key there was the song!!! Has this ever happened to you? I thought to myself this is just a coincidence, or is it? Beth Moore used a quote that night that came to mind and hit me between the eyes. "coincidences are miracles in which God prefers to remain anonymous" WOW what a reminder of how God works!!!
According to 1 peter 1:3-7 [We have been given a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus' Christ. We will receive an eternal inheritance when we get to heaven. On earth we will suffer grief and trials which causes our faith to grow. Our FAITH which is worth more than gold may result in praise].
We may not know the reason for the season on earth, but need to respond by CHOOSING to "walk by HOPE and FAITH" through the trials... I will be talking more about how faith and trust is a choice later. Now plugging in LIVING HOPE words to the song that offers HOPE in a hopeless world...
" This will be the day I greatly REJOICE, my suffering is gone, and HOPE lives on. Here is the day when we look upon the Earth as a blink of an eye I see my Father face to face... this is the day I was created for ALWAYS!!!
Lucas doesn't understand everything at this time with being almost 3 he thinks heaven is a big playground where everyone is happy and getting along, but the other day he asked me if He could go to Grace and Kaden's house. Catching me off guard I asked him why? He answered because they are happy and not sad. So true what a great reminder that we are strangers in this place and we need to desire to go to "the big playground in the sky and bring others along with us for a ride on the slide" [a little cheesy I know] :)
Whatever you may be going through hold onto the FAITH always and rest in a LIVING HOPE who is our Lord Jesus' Christ!!!


  1. Shel- thank you for being a beacon of hope, choosing to believe and have faith even when your emotions tell you otherwise. I love that song and actually heard it this weekend and thought about you. i love you! "walking" with you.

  2. Your words resonate with me regarding my relationship with Julia. I am really struggling to maintain hope within this relationship. Thank you for inspiring me to hold on and to persevere. M xo

  3. When I saw your title, the song popped right into my head. Thanks for sharing!
