Thursday, May 14, 2009

What is your response to tragedy? Is it worldly or Godly?

A lot has been going through my head and thought I would also use this blog as a tool to help me express some of the feelings I am having and to get some advice from you along the way. I am not much of a writer, but during these times of stretching our faith I believe God can use the broken. So here I am broken and open to receive God's wisdom along the way.

I haven't been able to cry in the last few days. Of course as a women I don't feel like I am showing the emotion of sadness and mourning unless I am crying. I wonder why this is?
I have cried out to God asking him if there is something wrong with me and if I was in the DENIAL stage of grieving? The Holy Spirit answered right away by challenging me to think outside of the world's box and step into God's eternal perspective.

What is denial?
To Deny according to webster's means: to declare untrue, to refuse to recognize or acknowledge.

A human and worldly response to have when something tragic happens to someone is,
"She is in denial", but as a christian is she?

What is Peace?
Peace according to webster's means: a state of calm and quiet, freedom from disturbing thoughts or emotions.

A Godly response to peace is: to be still, rest in him, and to feel secure in him who knows everything way before it happens.

Philippians 4: 7
"and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus"

So I came to the conclusion after praying and talking to some of you that NO I am not in Denial, but being still, resting in him because he is the one that holds my tomorrow's. He is upholding me with his righteous right hand and guarding my heart and mind, and for that I am thankful.

Praise to the God that gives us peace...even when it doesn't make sense and doesn't seem fair!!!


  1. victoria haveman14.5.09

    I agree with you. Yesterday morning you seemed peaceful not in denial. Thanks for sharing. What great things for the rest of us to think about as well.

  2. I will agree with Victoria's comment of you appearing to be at peace when I saw you yesterday as well. Your writing style is very inspirational and look forward to reading more!

  3. Rebekah R.16.5.09

    Rocehelle, you ave hit the nail on the head. That is what "peace that passes understanding" means. When my brother died there was a huge sadness and yet this overwhelming sense of peace. I was even able to sleep right after it happened. I knew he was with my heavenly Father and in no more pain. That is the hope we have in Christ. God doesn't necessarily stop bad things from happening. We live in a sin cursed world. Death wasn't part of his original plan. But, He surely gets us through. That is His strength being made perfect in ur weakness. 2Cor.12:9-10
